
Working together to make the world a better place.


Hi there,

I'm Lisa Townsend - want me on your team?

I love to be part of a team working on a community project, especially one that has the potential to make a real difference .

And while most projects start packed full of creativity, energy and ideas the reality is that delivering it is often hard and lonely work.

It’s soooooo easy to make it too big, to overcommit, do things you didn’t plan. And before you know it you are off track and convincing yourself you need to become an expert in social media to make it happen.

Most of the time we just need reminding of what we already know, with a gentle nudge back on track and some specific help to make it all come together. 👋🏻
did I mention I love to be part of a team……….

I’m that person who acts as translator between your big idea and the person who needs it - i.e Marketing

I’m also that person ✋🏼 who asks the important questions and helps you stay on track and on purpose.

I’m obsessed fascinated with how you work best (and worst) and i’m the type to make a Manual of me profile and share it with you here…..

So, what does that look like practically?
Glad you asked;

  • Project manager

  • Project Evaluator

  • Marketing Person

  • Mentor

  • Trainer

Working out what you want/need and how much it’s going to cost always stops me dead in my tracks. As a rough guide my hourly Mentoring sessions are £60 and my day rate is £250.
I find the best place to start is with a chat 🗓 ☕️ 🧁

We all get stuck in our own stories; about what we can do and our expectations for how we should work. Working to create change is hard work. We get lonely, discouraged, stuck in a rut and miss all the good stuff that is happening right under our own noses.

“Change your Badge” is your reminder to refresh your perspective, revisit what is important and get back on track.

What’s Next?


Got a burning question about your project or marketing?
Want a general ‘getting to know you’ call?
Book a chat with me and you can get that itch scratched - for free.

Want some free resources you can use straight away for some inspo?
Here you go…..

A bit about me………

  • I’m a dog person - this is my co-worker Berty the Cockapoo.

  • I’m a mentor for the School for Social Entrepreneurs, Cornwall

  • I’m a HSP - Highly Sensitive Person.

  • I have 15 years experience working with creatives and entrepreneurs, blending practical business know-how with social enterprise.

  • I have a degree in Psychology and training as a Creativity & Mindfulness Coach.

  • I love to laugh REALLY loudly.

  • My aim is always to work in a fun way, full up to the brim with purpose, ease and creativity.

  • I’m an Introvert who loves to network with complete strangers.

  • I make the best lemon sugar crepes ever (just ask my kids!)

  • Emma Roberts

    “Amazing experience - I could completely rely on Lisa, she understood exactly what was required to make the project a success. The end result was brilliant and I was able to go on holiday leaving Lisa to push the project on”

  • Rebecca Hulbert

    I wanted to email to say how inspiring the session was yesterday and how good it was to meet someone with such integrity at the heart of their marketing. Thank you.

  • Emily Foulkes

    “ As an organisation, Lisa helped us to make big changes, even on a relatively small budget. Lisa really helped to make it happen. Her confidence and 'can-do' attitude was infectious and gave us the push we needed. ”

  • Lois Taylor

    “Lisa immediately felt part of the team. She delivers to task with her incredible organisational skills and supports our work with brilliant systems and processes. She also asks lots of really useful questions!”

  • Sam Crosby

    Like all dependable, experienced guides, Lisa comes equipped with tools, maps and a close relationship with the land. And she won't hesitate to shout if you're about to step on something poisonous...

    Lisa gave me new perspectives on the opportunities and skills I already possess.
    After just a short time together I'm moving forward with renewed confidence and a few new tools of my own.

  • Claire Whalley

    Thank you for your amazing support and advice, it was exactly what I needed. We had a really productive day working together and I felt like you were so organised and focused on what we were hoping to achieve, and we did!

  • Sam Lawrence

    “We were in awe of the efficient way in which Lisa managed our recent Physical Postcards project, interfacing skilfully with vulnerable adult participants and our partners from community. Lisa is a joy to work with cheerful, intelligent and passionate about bringing about positive change to society.”

  • Falmouth Food Co-op

    Falmouth Food Co-op

    The personal mentoring and coaching sessions have been great for getting clarity on how to approach my work in the most productive and rewarding way. I’ve also been able to put together some useful strategies for working with others.

  • Angie - 4 Real Dance Company

    I found the sessions with Lisa very beneficial. Lisa has a unique way of working and I really like it, it makes me think for myself and dig a bit deeper. I realise I actually have most of the answers already. The sessions have helped with my confidence and self belief and I’ve found it very inspiring.